Christ College Jagdalpur

NAAC Accredited/Affiliated to Bastar University, Jagdalpur
Geedam Road, Jagdalpur, Phone -07782-222380



Student Profile

  Professional Services
  Faculty Programme

Dr. Fr. Tomy Mathew

Christ College Jagdalpur welcomes you to blossom your inherent potentialities to become an outstanding citizen for the challenging modern world. more...
 Dr. Fr. Tomy Mathew
    (Principal )


List of Students

Punctuality & Attendance

1. There will be classes on 6 days a week starting from Monday through Saturday. College timing is from 8.30am to 4.30pm

2. There will be 5 hours of 1 hour each on a day starting from 9.00 am and ending at 2.45 pm.

3. Second Saturdays will be holidays.

4. All students shall be present in their respective class rooms at least ten minutes prior to the prayer time i.e. at 8.45 am.

5. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each hour. Attendance slips will be

collected from each class within 10 minutes after starting the classes.

6. Absence of students in the class will be intimated to the parents within 20 minutes of

starting the classes.

7. The college gates will remain closed from 8.50 am to 2.15 pm. Vehicles will not be

allowed inside during this time. Any late comer can keep his/her vehicle, if any,

outside the gate of the college in a proper way and come inside by walk. Wrong parking

on the roadside will invite a fine of Rs.50/-

8. Students who are not present in the class at the time of marking the attendance will

lose attendance for that hour.

9. Loss of attendance of one period in the morning session will be treated as absence for the entire forenoon and absence for one period in the afternoon session will be treated as absence for the entire afternoon.

10. Total absence of any three hours on any day will be treated as absent for the full day.

11. 75% attendance is mandatory for a student to be qualified for internals, university

exams and participation in union election, tour, trekking, sports & cultural activities


Leave of Absence - A student shall get prior permission from the class teacher/HOD before availing any leave. Leave application addressed to the Principal shall be given to the class teacher. Any student absent on a day without prior permission should produce

the leave letter duly signed by the student as well as his/her parent.

Bio Data File - Every class teacher shall maintain a bio-data file of the students under his/her charge. The bio-data form shall be filled in by the students in the first week of starting the classes with a passport size photo pasted on the right top and signed by the student and parent. Any important observation/ document relating to a student should be noted in the form.

College Fee- Total fee is paid in two installments - 1st at the time of admission and 2nd before 30th October each year. Late fee will be charged if fee is paid after due date.


Dress code - Students shall be clean, smart and gentle in appearance. Hence students

shall wear modest and neat dress. Jeans, low-waist pants, T-shirts, sleeveless blouses,

miniskirts, tights, short & flimsy attire etc. are to be avoided. They shall strictly wear

uniform on stipulated days. The uniform should be complete in all respects.


Mobile Phone - Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the college building. If

anybody brings mobile phone to the college shall keep it in the bag on off mode. All the

staff members of the college are authorised to confiscate the mobile phones used by any student inside the college building. Any phone confiscated will be handed over to the Principal and it will not be returned.

If a parent wants to communicate any message to his ward, he/she may call the College

Office MobileNo. 9425258613 and pass the message.


Parking - Bikes shall be parked at the designated places only in an orderly manner.

Instructions of the parking-in-charge and security personnel, in this respect shall be

strictly followed. Any misconduct reported will result in not getting a parking space inside the campus. During class hours students shall neither go out of the campus without permission from the Principal/Director/Vice Principal/any General Co-ordinator nor sit or rest in the parking area.

Bikes or any other vehicles entering the college campus should be at the lowest possible speed i.e. 20 kms per hour. Over speed, honking or rash driving will be punished with fine.

Students are not allowed to go to the parking area meant for teachers' vehicles and/or to sit on the vehicles.

Re-admission of Students - Re-admission has to be taken by 2 and 3 year students at the beginning of each year/semester. No students shall be allowed to attend classes without taking re-admission. Supplementary students shall take provisional re-admission by paying 50% of the annual/semester fee and the same is non-refundable in any case. If the student fails in the supplementary exam, he/she cannot thereafter attend any activities of the college other than attending the university examination and may be considered an exstudent.

Examination (Internal and University) - Students shall enter the exam hall at least 5 minutes prior to the time of the exam. They shall not leave the hall before the expiry of 1 ½ hour from the time of starting the exam.





Developed at Christ College, Jagdalpur